Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spiritual Path of Creativity

When we say that making art is an act of faith and that as we make art we pursue a spiritual path, we are not talking loosely. There is grace in our every artistic encounter. Miracles do happen. We do not plan them. We hope for them and then we are open to the creator’s mentoring hand in improving our suggestions. What looks difficult or impossible to us does not appear difficult or impossible to the Great Creator. … Creative energy is like electricity. It will flow whether we allow it to or not. Julia Cameron Walking in This World Page 154/155
As a writer, sometimes when I read over what I have written, I wonder where the thoughts or ideas for what is written on the page came from. They came, of course, from God.
I begin every day with quiet meditation and part of that time consists of journaling. When I am in the midst of authoring a manuscript for a non-fiction spiritual book this is where the words and ideas are conceived. I meditate on thoughts and words of other spiritual writers, messages given in the Bible, as well as mystical poetry or writings mainly from 14th century mystics.
After prayer for guidance from the Lord of what he would have me say in my upcoming book, I just write in my journal, not stopping to over think anything but just writing down whatever comes into my head. Later these thoughts get transcribed into my book manuscript file on the computer.
This is the same process I use for my monthly meditations  on my website and for my weekly blog Contemplative without a Cloister.
This is where I see the “creator’s mentoring hand” and am totally in awe of the miracles God performs in my creative life.
© Judith Lawrence

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