Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Inviting the Sacred into your Life

Summer Pathway

Mystics are what the word implies—people called to know the divine through its mysteries. …
[Y]ou invite the sacred into your life; you learn to pray and to wait, to ready yourself for direction. Mystics know that their instructions will come along with the tasks God sets for them. Caroline Myss Entering the Castle Page 16/17
When you invite the Sacred One into your life you ready yourself for whatever might come your way. This includes very ordinary everyday things that might seem unspectacular to you down to an invitation to answer what may seem an extraordinary call to service in the name of God.
In order to ready yourself for direction from God you have to be open to hearing and receiving God’s voice and message whenever it may come. This takes practice. A good way to start this practice is to come every morning into God’s presence; there you learn to pray and wait.
God doesn’t often speak to us in a voice that we can hear through our physical ears. There may be an inner stirring deep within our soul, a desire to be with God in a quiet time and place, or a sense of awe as we walk through a garden of flowers. Our spirit is uplifted toward the divine and we give thanks and say, Surely God is in this place.
This is where the daily practice of praying and listening to God in your morning quiet time prepares you to recognize God’s call to you and to answer that call readily and without hesitation.
© Judith Lawrence

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