Our creative energy is our divine inheritance.
When we insist on playing God by trying to be all-powerful and all-understanding and all-giving and all things to all people, God can work no miracles in our own lives, because we never allow the time or space to let a divine hand enter our affairs. While it is true the divine source is an inexhaustible flow, as humans we are finite. We do tire, and we tire most easily from tiresome people. Julia Cameron Walking in This World Page 109 and 114
We must be wise in investing God’s inheritance. We must be careful not to squander God’s inheritance on those who spend our time and energy foolishly.
Does this sound selfish to you? If so, then read the parable of Jesus about the ten bridesmaids. Matt. 25: 1-13.
Jesus tells us five of the bridesmaids were wise and five were foolish. The wise bridesmaids took extra oil for their lamps whereas the other five took only the oil that was in their lamps. When the call went out that the bridegroom was coming, the foolish ones realized that they did not have enough oil to take them through the whole night and so they asked those who had brought extra oil to share it with them.
If they had done as requested all ten of the bridesmaids would have run out of oil during the night so the wise ones refused to share and told the others to go to a shop and buy some for themselves. They did so but when they returned they were locked out of the ceremonies.
The wise bridesmaids held on to their divine inheritance by not giving it away to those who hadn’t taken care of the gift God had given them. They had all been invited to the marriage feast but the foolish ones were unprepared and then expected the wise ones to pick up the slack. If they had done what probably seemed the generous thing to do then they all would have squandered God’s gift and God would not have been honoured as was the divine due.
We must learn to say, “No” to many requests so that we have the time and space to say, “Yes” to God’s requests.
© Judith Lawrence