Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Nothing is too Small for God


Nothing is too small [for God]. Nothing is too large. As we practice walking …we begin to get a notion of the scope and scale of God—one eye on the sparrow and the other on the vast and starry universe. We are a part of all that, and, by the simple act of reaching out our hand to connect, we become a partnered part of life. Julia Cameron Walking in This World Page 5
When I was a child my father took my brother and me for long walks each Sunday evening. This was the time my mother went to a church service—in the morning she was busy getting the Sunday dinner—my father would take us to church in the morning and on a walk in the evening.
Night Sky
On these walks together my father taught me many things about nature. He always had his eyes open for something new and unexpected and would share his sightings with us and, at the same time, teach us to be observant of what was around us. As we learned to be alert to God’s creation we also learned about the Creator’s care for what he has made. It is exactly as Julia Cameron says, God has “one eye on the sparrow and the other on the vast and starry universe.”
We, as creators of our own art in whatever form, must learn to be as caring and responsible of what we create, whether it is writing, painting, book-binding, sewing, or baking, as God is of his creation.
As we walk and pay attention to what is around us in the form of God’s creation we will learn to become as caring of our own creativity as God is of us. God is our partner in our works of art and in all parts of our lives—our friendships, our work, our sadness, and our joy. By walking with God we begin to see the vastness of his love and caring; we begin to see how nothing is too small for him and nothing too large for his concern.
© Judith Lawrence

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